For sale - Research vessel Bjarni Sæmundsson
Framkvæmdasýslan – Ríkiseignir (FSRE) on behalf of the Icelandic Government intends to sell the specially equipped research vessel Bjarna Sæmundsson built in 1970 in Germany and is still in service. The first cruise was in January 1971. The vessel is built as a general research vessel, including fishery and oceanographic research. The propulsion system is of diesel electric type to secure low noise level. These ship expeditions focus on, among other things, a variety of ecological observations, population measurements of the seabed, fish tagging and fishing gear research.
Year 2003, the vessel had a major overhaul which included basically replacement of all three diesel engines, with new power management system, renewal of the hydraulic system, renewal of insulation, lining and inventor in messroom, galley, dayroom, laboratory, room, wet laboratory and wheelhouse.
The seller will take into consideration sustainability, reuse and carbon footprint when reviewing incoming information.
For further information:
Research vessel Bjarni Sæmundsson
The ship will be sold as is, where it is currently located and will be delivered at Hafnarfjörður Harbor (or at Harbor nearby) when a contract has been signed.
Asbestos is known to be in the ship, but an assessment has not been executed.
Interested buyers will be invited to a site inspection if requested. Further information will be launched into FSRE website For further questions send an email to
The time limit (skilafrestur/afhendingardagur) will probably be at the latest 31.3.2025.
Opening offers date in this advertisement is not applicable (N/A).
FSRE operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.
Útboðsnúmer: 41150
Fyrirspurnarfrestur: 31.03.2025
Opnun tilboða: 15.1.2025